thank you for checking out my site!! :3 feel free to leave a message in the guestbook or email me at
you can also find my work on my twitter @mallowspace!
(read right to left!)
who am i?
my name is mallow and i am in my 20s!
i am generally a pretty introverted person, but i enjoy getting the chance to understand people. i really like media that provides a glimpse into people's inner worlds, which is why i was drawn to neocities!
in my day to day life, i work as a fulltime concept artist! my hobbies and interests include drawing, listening to music and making playlists, internet culture and fandom, and reading/playing games/watching things. i like to go on long walks and zone out. also i make a lot of typos - i try to correct them but if you notice any, i am sorry!!!
my favourite moments
lying in bed when you just changed the sheets... the feeling of falling asleep
listening to a good song and imagining the dramatic scene of your favourite characters
putting on perfume after a shower
walking early in the morning
other cool places on the web
my history with art
this is my starting point and the reason i'm making this site! i'd like to improve my relationship with art and find my own voice and passion again.
it's time to find my own inspiration
my relationship with art is currently like this... i wish i was ursula, but i am kiki O(-(
how i got here...
i've been drawing since before i can remember - it's always been my favourite activity. when i was a kid, i would come home after school and draw every night. i kept all my drawings in a binder. it was mainly anime girls holding their hands behind their back. in highschool i started taking art more seriously in the hopes of making a career out of it - i would draw in my sketchbook as much as i could and started learning the fundamentals. i loved drawing original characters and occassional fanart of media i enjoyed. i felt like i had a reason to draw every single day.
after highschool, i studied concept art and illustration at uni and would draw shipping fanart of my favourite characters in my own time. between 2018-2019 i felt truly excited to draw for myself. now i work as a concept artist full time! i learned a lot in university, but between trying to please my lecturers and prove that i was a SERIOUS concept artist who liked MECHS and ALIEN LANDSCAPES (btw this is just what i thought 'serious' concept art was at the time.), while also trying to appease people online with my secret fanart, i stopped making art for myself and lost my reason to create. it can be easy to confuse the need for validation with passion.
that said, it's not as depressing as it sounds. i generally enjoy work and still draw in my free time!! the process of drawing is pleasant and relaxing to me, and i like improving my skills. but i'd like to discover what truly drives me to create art again, beyond getting likes on twitter or approval from my boss at work. what subject matter? what themes? if no one cared or saw, what would i make? it's time to find my own inspiration!
written 05/03/23
early childhood - drawing was fun! mainly drew animals.
2007 - watched anime for the first time - wanted to make art like this!
2008-2010 - drawing was my favourite hobby!
2011-2013 - stopped drawing in favour of writing instead. had a lot of fun making up characters and storylines
2014-2017 - picked up drawing again and started taking it seriously, learing the fundamentals and keeping regular sketchbooks. learned there were jobs in lookdev and concept art and wanted to pursue it. had an instagram and tumblr where i would share my art. mainly had fun drawing whatever i felt like.
2018-2020 - uni, doing a degree focused on concept art and entertainment design. learning a lot.
2018, july - made a secret account to draw fanart of a pairing from a popular anime/manga.
2018, december - tumblr nsfw ban - moved to twitter as primary social media and secret fanart account became my main account (though only close friends IRL know about it).
2019 - i think this is when i lost my passion and no longer drew for myself. my main focus was to appease my lecturers or followers on social media.
2020, november-2021, august - graduated uni and took a break from academia, mainly drew fanart and studies.
2021, august-present - started working as a concept artist fulltime!
2023, february - created this website, though it was mainly just a diary
2023, april - announced social media hiatus until 2024. no longer posting art online anywhere in the hopes this will help me draw for myself again.
2023, may - picked up watercolour painting again, doing more traditional sketching.
2023, june- revamped this website to focus on my art journey!
2023, september - played baldur's gate 3, became obsessed with gale and felt truly excited about art for the first time since july 2018.
2024, january - created a new social media account, more focused on nsfw
present (2024, august) - revamped this site once again after a long hiatus (was busy having fun drawing yay!!)